Exploring Ban Mae Klang Luang A Hidden Gem on Doi Inthanon, Chiang Mai

If you're a fan of nature, mountains, stars, or misty mornings, Doi Inthanon in Chiang Mai is probably already on your radar. As Thailand’s tallest peak, towering at 2,565 meters above sea level, Doi Inthanon is a beloved destination for adventurers and casual travelers alike. The mountain is filled with must-see spots, from waterfalls like Mae Ya and Mae Klang at its base to the famous Wachirathan Waterfall and the serene Kew Mae Pan Nature Trail (closed during the rainy season) as you make your way up. But if you're looking for something a bit off the beaten path, Ban Mae Klang Luang should be on your itinerary.


Wachirathan Waterfall - The most accessible waterfall on Doi Inthanon. Simply park your car, and the waterfall greets you right in front. You can feel the mist from the cascading water spreading through the air.


Mae Klang Luang Rice Fields - This scenic view is from the main road leading up from Chom Thong District to Doi Inthanon, showing the expansive rice terraces of Mae Klang Luang.

On the drive up, you can’t miss the stunning rice terraces on your left, tucked into the valley like a green staircase leading into the clouds. These belong to the 'Pga K’nyau' community, a group you may know as the Karen people, who have lived here for generations. Their peaceful way of life revolves around farming rice, cool-climate crops, and some of the best coffee you'll ever taste. Seriously—global coffee chains buy beans from here, so if you're a coffee lover, Ban Mae Klang Luang is a non-negotiable stop!


Wide View of Ban Mae Klang Luang - A panoramic view of Mae Klang Luang’s rice fields nestled in the arms of towering mountains, offering a picturesque and tranquil scene.


Chemical-Free Vegetable Gardens - These lush organic vegetable plots are set amidst the vibrant green rice terraces of Ban Mae Klang Luang, enhancing the agricultural beauty of the area.


Mae Klang Luang Coffee - Simple yet exceptional in flavor, this coffee is so good that even world-renowned coffee chains source their beans from this village.


Fire-Smoked Water - Though the blackened kettles used for boiling water may not seem appealing at first, the smoky aroma from the firewood gives the water, and the coffee brewed with it, an extra layer of fragrance that enhances the already delicious Mae Klang Luang coffee.

But it's not just about coffee and crops. The community offers a beautifully simple forest trekking experience that’s ideal for all ages. The trails are gentle, winding through lush forest for about 2-3 kilometers, passing streams and the breathtaking Pha Dok Siew Waterfall. With 10 tiers cascading through the jungle (some people call it 'Love of Siam Waterfall' after the film), it’s a peaceful, scenic walk that lets you experience the forest at your own pace. You’ll find yourself surrounded by vibrant plants and flowers, making this trek one of the most beginner-friendly and visually stunning trails I’ve experienced.


Pha Dok Siew Waterfall - This stunning waterfall features multiple tiers, some tall, some short, and it flows year-round. In the rainy season, the water level is higher, while in the cool season, it becomes clearer. When trekking through Mae Klang Luang, it’s best to have a local guide to avoid getting lost. You can arrange guides through the local community.


Yellow Cosmos Flowers by the Rice Fields - Bright yellow cosmos flowers line the edges of the rice terraces, adding a splash of vibrant color against the lush green backdrop.

If you’re heading up Doi Inthanon, I highly recommend taking the time to visit Ban Mae Klang Luang. Spend a night if you can—there's nothing quite like sleeping in the middle of the rice terraces under a starry sky. Imagine waking up to mist rolling over the mountains and fields. It’s pure magic. And the food? Straight from the local farms, the veggies are so fresh, you'll have a hard time putting down your fork.


Riverside Cabin, Ban Mae Klang Luang - A cozy, single-story wooden cabin on stilts, spacious enough and featuring a veranda where you can sit and enjoy the stunning views of the surrounding rice fields and mountains. The Pga K’nyau people, who live here, treasure their peaceful lifestyle. Guests are encouraged to respect this tranquility. If you're more into lively or party-style vacations, this may not be the ideal place for you.


A Free World - These are the rice terraces nestled in the valley of Ban Mae Klang Luang, within Doi Inthanon National Park. If you're looking for a serene retreat this rainy and cool season, make sure to visit this peaceful, scenic haven.

So, how would I rate Ban Mae Klang Luang as a travel destination? In a word: essential. It's the perfect mix of culture, nature, and simplicity. You get rice terraces, forest trails, local homestays, and an authentic community vibe all in one place—and it's surprisingly easy to get to.


Ang Ka - Another easy hiking trail on Doi Inthanon. This wooden boardwalk follows the natural terrain, making it accessible and enjoyable. Along the path, you’ll encounter a wide range of flora to observe and admire.

Ban Mae Klang Luang is one of those places where nature and community come together in perfect harmony. It’s a peaceful, beautiful escape that truly captures the essence of Chiang Mai’s natural beauty. If you're planning a trip to Doi Inthanon, don’t miss this hidden gem—you’ll fall in love just like I did.


Kew Mae Pan - A popular hiking trail for tourists visiting Doi Inthanon National Park. This trail offers a variety of natural scenery, including dense forests, open grasslands, and cliffside walks. The loop is about 3 kilometers long, but Kew Mae Pan closes during the rainy season to allow the forest to recover. It reopens around October, just in time for the cool season.

Editor in Chief : Nampetch Siramanon
Editor: Pacific Leisure (Thailand)
Content Creator : Mr. Saroj Na Ayutthaya

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